Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cadastral Map

This is a Cadastral map of the Iranian land use in Namkabrood. It is a cadastral map because it shows of the land is sectioned of for certain uses or owners.

Thematic Map

This is a thematic map that represents the median age in the North-East United States. It is a thematic map because it focuses on a certain social aspect in a specific geographic area.

Topographic Map


This is a Topographic map of the Grand Canyon. A Topographic map shows the elevations of places. The lines on the map are called contour lines and are at the same elevation throughout the map. This particular map is used for determining hiking paths. Hikers look at it to find out how much of an elevation change there is going to be on a trail.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Planimetric map

This is a planimetric map of France. This means that this map is a horizontal representation of the country France. It does not take in to consideration elevation. It uses colors to differentiate different provinces in France.

Mental Map


This is a mental map of Nottingham City Center in 1997. It conveys how the person that drew it sees the roads and stores in the  area. The map is not completely accurate because it is a mental map meaning it is a representation of how this person stores the information of Nottingham City Center in their mind.